Some products on our website cannot be shipped through common shipping services such as UPS or Fedex. All items that cannot ship, can be picked up in store.
We ship to all 48 state in the continental United States. We cannot ship to Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico. All packages come via UPS GROUND shipping.
At the moment we cannot ship our products internationally.
Most items will ship in 1-2 days.
You will receive your order based on when it ships and your location. See maps below for a general idea of shipping times.
UPS Ground Transit Time Map

Fedex Transit Time Map

Online : We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
In Store : We accept cash or Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.
Add item to cart. Once finished shopping click on shopping bag in upper right hand corner. Create a account or checkout as guest. Input your shipping address, billing address, and credit card information. Once order is received you will receive a confirmation email. shipment confirmation with tracking number will be received after item ships.
Email or call 405.424.3238. Have your order# ready.
Your Fun Warehouse unfortunately cannot accept returns at this time. Please ensure you will be able to use the sparklers for your wedding. If there are left overs. Sparklers do not expire as long as they are stored in a dry environment. They can be used for fun anytime of the year.